❤️ Many thanks to lovely NeoClassic Film Festival for awarding our Auramics song “Founders of Time” as the “Quarter-Finalist”, third place, in the music/soundtrack for film category today! Thanks for thinking of us for your festival! xx https://neoclassic.space/songmmf21/qf
Founders of Time
❤️ ευχαριστώ! thanks to MusicArtclub Radio in Thessaloníki, Greece for thinking of us, and playing Auramics “Founders of time” on 4/15. xx show: https://twitter.com/MusicArtclub/status/1250559545325346819 gif: from our music vid
✌❤️🌈🦘🌞Seems to be the week of radio shows, my friends. Thank you Friday NEON 4ZZZ Radio 102.1 FM for airing our Auramics song “Founders of Time” on your radio show hosted by the lovely Quentin and Bec Mac on 4zzzfm.org.au. {{{{}}}} #auramics #4zzz #fridayneon #radio102.fm #supportcommunityradio http://4zzzfm.org.au/program/friday-neon/2019-06-21
💥❤️ Thank you to the amazing Soho Radio of London for airing our Auramics song “Founders of Time” Monday nite on “The Trip with DJ Brother Lee’s” Radio Show. What a lovely surprise! Honored to be included states side along with rad artists such as Vanishing Twin, Inner Space Quartet, et all. The MixCloud link to the radio show will be … Read more
Grazie to Festival Alto Vicentino – FAV – Festival Internazionale del Cinema Corto for screening our Auramics music video “Founders of Time” I directed/animated, in the Experimental Category in Italy. ❤ Somehow I missed this last year…Cheers! So far the film has screened in America, Mexico and twice in Italy. #auramics #foundersoftime #film #musicvideo #directors … Read more
Thanks again to the Sacalacalaca Interdimensional Horror & Sci-Fi Film Festival for featuring our +Auramics music video “Founders of Time” that I (Kristi of Auramics) directed/animated/edited at the festival in November in Mexico. More exciting news, music, film and art to come in 2018. 🖤
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o9ohgrwEj4?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=400&h=225] Halloween has come early this year! Excited to announce that our Auramics music video for “Founders of Time” that I directed/animated/edited was selected to premiere in a film festival, Sacalacalaca, Festival Interdimensional de Horror & Sci-Fi, in November!!! Cheers! :O🎃🔪#Auramics #FoundersOfTime #Horror #SciFi #Radiophonic #MusiqueConcrète #Sacalacalaca #FilmFestival https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o9ohgrwEj4
The “Founders of Time” music video that I directed/animated/edited for our music group Auramics screens today in Mexico at the Sacalacalaca Horror & Sci-Fi Film Festival <3, it will be in the experimental/video art category, Pantalla IV. Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tUKHtLDN3Y Festival Program: http://ift.tt/2zljR6t… See More
Music video clip from our tune “Founders of Time” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tUKHtLDN3Y Auramics are a psychedelic, radiophonic, dreampop, hauntology music group comprised of Kristi Scarvelis and Glen Lee Flynn. Their name “Auramics” was inspired by Daphne Oram’s “Oramics Machine,” which the two connected to in their interest of drawing/art, cut up collage sound and music, “Aura” relating … Read more
Music video clip from our tune “Founders of Time” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tUKHtLDN3Y Auramics are a psychedelic, radiophonic, dreampop, hauntology music group comprised of Kristi Scarvelis and Glen Lee Flynn. Their name “Auramics” was inspired by Daphne Oram’s “Oramics Machine,” which the two connected to in their interest of drawing/art, cut up collage sound and music, “Aura” relating … Read more