❤️ Many thanks to lovely NeoClassic Film Festival for awarding our Auramics song “Founders of Time” as the “Quarter-Finalist”, third place, in the music/soundtrack for film category today! Thanks for thinking of us for your festival! xx https://neoclassic.space/songmmf21/qf
Film Festival
Grazie to Festival Alto Vicentino – FAV – Festival Internazionale del Cinema Corto for screening our Auramics music video “Founders of Time” I directed/animated, in the Experimental Category in Italy. ❤ Somehow I missed this last year…Cheers! So far the film has screened in America, Mexico and twice in Italy. #auramics #foundersoftime #film #musicvideo #directors … Read more
Grande Grazie to FAV – Festival Internazionale del Cinema Corto – XII Festival Alto Vicentino for screening our Auramics music video “Founders of Time” I directed/animated, in the Experimental Category in Italy. ❤ Somehow I missed this last year…Cheers! http://www.comune.santorso.vi.it/…/f4…/fav-pieghevole_02.pdf
Beyond thrilled to have our Auramics song “Dagger Cordis” in the horror film Trauma that debut screened at one of my most favorite cinemas in New York City Anthology Film Archives 🖤🖤🖤Cheers to Cannibal Troll Film and the cast and crew for an amazing premiere, it is an honor to be featured in it! https://soundcloud.com/auramics/daggercordis … Read more
Hi friends! Excited to announce that our Auramics song “Dagger Cordis” is featured in the horror film Trauma and debut screened on Wednesday March 14th at Anthology Film Archives in Manhattan at 8:30pm. 🖤 Congrats to the Trauma Cast and Crew and Cannibal Troll Film. It is an honor to be featured in it! https://soundcloud.com/auramics/daggercordis … Read more
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o9ohgrwEj4?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=400&h=225] Halloween has come early this year! Excited to announce that our Auramics music video for “Founders of Time” that I directed/animated/edited was selected to premiere in a film festival, Sacalacalaca, Festival Interdimensional de Horror & Sci-Fi, in November!!! Cheers! :O🎃🔪#Auramics #FoundersOfTime #Horror #SciFi #Radiophonic #MusiqueConcrète #Sacalacalaca #FilmFestival https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o9ohgrwEj4